The Booster Club’s mission is to build school spirit by supporting athletics, theatre and other initiatives at Rye Neck schools. The organization at its core is about community, spirit and boosting the experiences of Rye Neck students.
Annual Gifts
Scholarships awarded to outstanding seniors
Rye Neck signs for all senior athletes and thespians
Gift to all graduating senior athletes
Homecoming T-shirts to all high school students
Senior Buddy T-shirts to all 6th graders
Rye Neck spiritwear to all new high school students
Team contributions for Senior Night/Team Dinners
Ice-cream treat on Junior/Senior Day
Gifts to School ​​
Basketball Scorer's Table
Outdoor Stage at Daniel Warren
Branding Items for Middle School Gym
​HS Gymnasium Banners
Outdoor Flags on fields
Blue Feather Flags at all schools
Con Ed Banners
Field Fence Signage
Customized Wall Padding for Gymnasiums in all schools
Athletic Building Patio
Wireless Sound System for Athletic Center
Wireless Microphones for Theatre Department
Outdoor Wireless Sound System for MS/HS Athletic Fields
Outdoor and Indoor Scoreboards